Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

Awakening Elegance: Exploring the Enchanting World of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise is a gemstone that has captivated hearts and minds for centuries with its enchanting blue hues. This rare and precious gemstone, often associated with timeless elegance and tranquility, has a fascinating history and unique characteristics that make it highly sought after in the world of jewelry and fashion.

The Allure of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise:

A Gemstone Fit for Royalty

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise derives its name from the Sleeping Beauty Mountain in Arizona, where it was once mined. What sets this gemstone apart is its striking robin’s egg blue or sky blue color, which is both vibrant and soothing. The gem’s mesmerizing coloration makes it reminiscent of clear blue skies, creating an immediate sense of calm and tranquility.

This gemstone has been cherished by many cultures throughout history. In ancient Egypt, turquoise was used to adorn jewelry and amulets, signifying protection and prosperity. Native American tribes in the American Southwest also held the Sleeping Beauty Turquoise in high regard, considering it a sacred stone that symbolized wisdom, good fortune, and a deep connection to the Earth.

Unveiling its True Beauty

One of the distinctive features of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise is its remarkable lack of matrix or veining, which is typically present in other types of turquoise. This absence of matrix enhances the gem’s purity and allows its natural blue color to shine brilliantly. Its smooth texture and consistent coloration make it a favored choice for jewelry designers, who often set it in both classic and contemporary designs.

Another noteworthy aspect of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise is its rarity. The Sleeping Beauty Mine in Arizona, the primary source of this gem, ceased production in 2012, making this turquoise even more valuable and sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.


In the world of gemstones, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise stands out as a true gem. Its captivating blue hues and rich history make it a cherished addition to any jewelry collection. Whether you are drawn to its timeless beauty, its spiritual significance, or its rarity, this gemstone is a true treasure. Discover the allure of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise and adorn yourself with a piece of nature’s art. To explore exquisite Sleeping Beauty Turquoise jewelry, visit

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, Turquoise, Turquoise Jewelry

5 Factors That Determine the Value of a Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

Have you ever witnessed the optimism of a cloudless southwestern sky? This dream is possible when holding a sleeping beauty turquoise in your hand. This type of turquoise is famous for its solid blue color and can make a jewelry item look stunning.

Are you looking for this gem to attract customers and flourish your jewelry business? Then, it’s wise to make your purchase online. But before buying sleeping beauty turquoise in bulk, be aware of the factors determining its value.

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

Things to Count on When Buying Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

Sleeping beauty turquoise is one of the most sought-after gems in the world of turquoise. The term ‘sleeping beauty’ comes from the mountain where it resides. It is said that the mountain resembles a sleeping woman with her arms crossed. Now, let’s have a look at the factors you need to count on before buying it.

  1. Color

As stated above, sleeping beauty turquoise is famous for its sky blue hue. And that is the color that represents authentic turquoise. Many people say that the color of this stone reflects the wide-open sky of southwest America on a clear day. Most designers prefer this stone for its even body color. 

  1. Clarity

A finished stone comes with a glossy finish without veining. But most designers usually prefer a sleeping beauty turquoise without any matrix. These specimens are actually considered more valuable. But these stones are rarely available. A small amount of matrix that occurred in this stone is considered to be of poor quality.

  1. Cut

Beads and cabochons are the most common shapes of a sleeping beauty turquoise. But the beads, which are over eight millimeters, are rare. But in terms of jewelry, the popular forms include round, oval, and pear. A sleeping beauty turquoise has the ability to accentuate the beauty of a jewelry piece.

  1. Carat

Larger stones are usually expensive due to market scarcity. But as you are looking for it for jewelry, you can consider it up to eight carats. 

  1. Durability

Before investing in sleeping beauty turquoise, make sure you consider the durability of this stone. It ranks 5 to 6 on the moh scale of hardness. 

Buy Sleeping Beauty Turquoise from Here

Rincon Trading Co. LLC can be your ideal destination for buying sleeping beauty turquoise. They aim to offer unique stones online at a wholesale price. They never compromise quality. Visit to know their terms and condition and place an order.